Transtool V.6.1

TRANSTOOL is a software translator from Indonesian to English or vice versa. The latest version of this software is transtool version 6.1. Where this latest version has undergone several changes and improvements in terms of syllables. There are several advantages transtool, among others: transtool have the ingenuity to translate the sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, and chapter to chapter with great speed.
Transtool able to translate one page at the speed per second (depending on processor and computer memory). We can utilize transtool as a dictionary. Transtool has more than 200,000 words and idioms and equipped with facilities to increase the amount of the treasury.
For those who want to try it out or friend - a friend who already use it but want to try the newest version please.

Download : 
- Transtool Click Here
- Crack Click Here 

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